Monday, February 9, 2009

John's writing

John turning in his homework is a constant struggle so there have been times after he does something we just e-mail it to the teacher. Love those teachers who work with us :) Anyway, last night I went to e-mail something he had written & didn't take the time to read it so I sneakily sent it to myself at work so I could see what he had written. I love to read his writing - it's so descriptive. I thought I would share. He had to teach someone something & write about it...

"I taught my brother Ben to count in French because I am learning foreign languages and this is a good use for that knowledge. I used my Brother Ben for my unfortunate test subject due to his proximity and the fact that he didn't have anything else to do.

As I taught him the first three letters I had the impression that he thought everything he said had to be said in a French accent leading to laughable. After getting him to sound audible I taught him four, five and six (My personal favorite French numbers) he seemed to have trouble with these however we blazed through this section. As I taught him the last numbers I realized that whenever I quizzed him the following conversation ensued: "What is... 9," I would ask. "Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq, Six, Sept," he would say under his breath, "Sept, the answer is Sept." This made me wonder whether I was actually much of teacher material. After teaching Ben these numbers he forced me to count from one to thirty-one in French which I pleasantly was able to accomplish."

*Note, all punctuation is exact.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute! I am impressed! Such great words like audible wow!