Saturday, January 31, 2009

So the past couple of weeks I've been feeling quite overwhelmed. It just felt like there was so much to do & so I kinda froze & didn't get anything done. Between the layoffs at Target, tons of stuff needing done for Primary & just general kid stuff it was becoming too much. Today I woke up & made a llloooonnnnggg list of all that I needed to do today. I just looked & only crossed off 3 items. My house is still a mess, but I finally figured out a simpler birthday gift for Primary. The original plan had been overwhelming & I needed to simplify. I'm feeling much better tonight even though my list is still long. After getting an e-mail from Jodi of what her kids liked last year (a candy bar from the Bishop) I asked J & B which they preferred. My time-consuming (overwhelming) idea or a candy bar. I'm sure it's no surprise what the answer was & so I decided that even if parents complained (which they seem to do a lot) that was going to be my plan. The primary has a ton of candy left over from some previous activities so I decided rather than a full candy bar they could get a treat bag w/ multiple mini candy bars from the Bishop. Today I made the treat toppers & the certificates to hand out to the kids & immediately I feel better, even though the laundry isn't done & the bathroom still needs cleaned.

These are the treat toppers: These are the certificates.

This is a layout I did of all Ben's school pictures through elementary school - I'm just going to use the same layout but put in John's pictures for his layout. Easy - peasy - that's what I love about digital.

Lest anyone think I spent the entire day on the birthday stuff - I did take the boys sledding for a couple of hours. We had a heat wave today - I'm not sure how warm, but I didn't wear a coat when running errands.


Unknown said...

Glad you went with the simple treat! Yours is still pretty fancy though! Love the layout! Love that you went sledding and had some fun!

codyandmeag said...

I think our family alone is keeping Target going. Between diapers, formula and baby food we are doing our part to help the economy.