Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today is the last day of school ... Ben's last day of elementary school & my last day as a parent of an elementary school student. Can you sense the struggle I'm dealing with? But... as a wonderfully fun way to send the 5th graders off - there is the annual 5th grade egg launch.

Prior to the launch... Eggward is seatbelted in & ready for launch...

And there you have it! Eggward still had the smile on his face though appeared to be nervous by the amount of perspiration on his face.

House update: While the foundation is complete this picture was taken a week ago . J & B are sitting on the new steps

Geocaching is fun!!!
And just so you can get a true perspective of life at our house...
I don't make this stuff up... I merely report it...
.And I shall introduce you to...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job Ben! Glad the egg survived! What a fun activity! Cute new look for your blog!