Thursday, March 19, 2009

Have you ever had a moment when you heard something & wham, bam you went back in time to those fun (or some sad) moments. Mine was as I was taking the elevator in the parking ramp down to the street this morning. The elevator music sounded familiar - & so I reached way back into the cobwebs of my mind... & I was immediately back to 1980.

What a fun summer that was... I then googled an old friend from that summer. Don't you just love google?

So... if anyone is in Salt Lake & wants to check out Diva's Cupcakes & Coffee for me & have a taste of what is supposed to be spectacular cupcakes, say hi to the owner for me... Tell him Lynne thinks of him often & hopes he's having a great life!

Ok - you don't need to remind me that the music I used to listen is now being played as elevator music! I get it! I'm getting old !! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny! You should feel good about being more popular than me! I haven't had one take me up on pay it forward...:)